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Royal Navy Rugby League Armistice Challenge Cup

Royal Navy Rugby League Armistice Challenge Cup

Keith Humpleby11 Oct 2018 - 08:55
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In a unique three match series the Royal Navy will face their Australian counterparts in UK as part of WW1 Armistice Centenary commemorations

Some months ago RNRL President, Cdre Paul Marshall RN extended an invitation to the Royal Australian Navy to travel to UK to compete in a unique competition to mark the centenary of the World War 1 Armistice. Our Australian counterparts gratefully accepted and will travel to UK in late October to acclimatize ahead of the competition.

The format of the competition is straightforward enough three tests to decide the trophy as well as the bragging rights until the next time the two sides meet. The venues have been finalised and besides two matches at RNRL HQ Burnaby Road we have secured the opening fixture at the famous Belle Vue Stadium home to Super League club Wakefield Trinity. It is a fantastic gesture by the Club and the local Council to offer their facilities out of season for which RNRL is very grateful. A special word of thanks to our very own Ben Taylor a Trinity fan from the town who worked hard with all involved to get this fixture off the ground.

The full playing itinerary is as follows
3rd November, Kick Off 1pm, Belle Vue Stadium Wakefield WF1 5EY
7th November, Kick Off 7pm, Burnaby Road Portsmouth PO1 3EJ
10th November Kick Off 3pm, Burnaby Road Stadium PO1 3EJ

Whilst there is still a bit of ’back office’ admin to do the excitement is already building amongst the players following recent successes over the RAF and the arrival of the visitors is eagerly awaited.

The backdrop to this series is of course the Armistice Commemoration and as such we are extremely grateful to the Royal British Legion who are sponsoring this competition along with our friends from QinetiQ, who also sponsor the annual Origin fixture. A new kit is also being prepared as a lasting memory for the Players of the competition and is being provided by Aerial Direct to ensure the players

Besides the three matches in the series representatives from the two squads will pay their respects at a special Wreath Laying ceremony in London on Thursday 8th November with details to be announced nearer the time

The Royal British legion is steadfast in its support of the Armed Forces and in particular the service men and women who make up the nation’s Regular and Reserve Forces. One such medium which highlights the Legion’s special relationship with the services is through sport, and we recognise the crucial role which sport plays in recovery and rehabilitation for both physical and mental well-being.

The Royal British Legion is extremely proud to sponsor Royal Navy Rugby League, and delighted to play a part in the Armistice Challenge Cup. In this centenary year, The Legion is inviting everyone to say Thank You to the First World War generation – all who served, sacrificed and changed our world. We are calling on the nation to remember not only the 1.2 million British and Commonwealth Armed Forces who lost their lives, but also those – military and civilian – who played their part on the home front and those who returned to build a better life for the benefit of generations to come.

Find your way to say Thank You at
Share your Thank You using #ThankYou100

Having traveled to Australia and New Zealand many times in the past either as single service or as part of Combined Services Rugby League it is great to be able to welcome the Australians to this country. With the enduring sporting rivalry between the nations this tournament promises to be a spectacular event and we look forward to seeing you at one or more of the fixtures

Entry to all three games will be free however any and all donations to the Royal British Legion will be greatly appreciated and will be used by the RBL to support the invaluable work that they carry out to support current and former service personnel and their families

We Will Remember Them

...... and finally if you have received this mail via Twitter the lads would be very grateful if you could like and re -tweet to help us get the info out to as many people as possible to support this series of events

Further reading